How to join AMCT
- Fill out an AOR
- Select Cycling
- Join the Slack
- All information is posted here
- Pay dues on market place
- $150 for May graduate/continuing Students
- $75 for December graduates
- Please note: You don’t need to pay dues to join us on our weekly group rides! If you still have questions, come talk to us
- Requirements to Join:
- Must be undergraduate or graduate student at Texas A&M
- Must have 2.0 GPR
- Enrolled in at least 6 hours
- Blinn Team: Must be enrolled in at least 3 credit hours at A&M
- Full time Blinn Students are NOT eligible
- Benefits of Joining:
- Discounts at Trek College Station
- Access to Bike rental program
- Access to Member Pricing on Kit orders and T-shirts
- Free Collegiate Race Entry Fees and Travel
- Lasting friendships and great memories!

Collegiate Racing
Collegiate bike racing is one of the most fun and rewarding things you can do on a bike. These races are for any skill level, ranging from never raced before to extremely experienced, and anywhere in between. The atmosphere for these events is extremely friendly, welcoming, and fun, definitely something you don’t want to miss.
About the Conference
The Texas A&M Cycling Team is a collegiate club team that competes in the South Central Collegiate Cycling Conference (SCCCC), part of USA Cycling.
- http://www.thescccc.org/
- https://usacycling.org/college
- Schools we compete against: TU, Texas State, Baylor, UNT, MSU, UTSA and some other Texas universities.
- Races are hosted by schools, and scored by the SCCCC
- Both mountain and road racing (Mountain in the Fall, road in the Spring)
- Track cycling is also an option, reach out if you’re interested in this
- Categories for both Men and Women
What does a race weekend look like?
Race weekends usually include travel, except for the home road race.
- Typical race weekend has 3 races, which are called the “omnium” all together. Omnium points decide the overall winner for the weekend in each category.
- Road Race
- Longer distance race
- Time Trial
- Individual timed event
- Criterium or “crit”
- Shorter, more intense race around a short track
- Road Race
- The team pays for collegiate race entry fees
- There are typically 4-5 race weekends in a season
How travel works:
- We usually travel as a team in rental vehicles. Gas for team travel is covered as well for collegiate races.
- Sometimes we take the team trailer to carry bikes and other gear
- Always drive to races, excluding nationals competitions (always out of state)
- Some people choose to travel separately to races, which is fine
How lodging works:
- For mountain bike season (Fall):
- Team typically camps, venues always have proper accommodations
- For road season (spring):
- Team stays in host housing, hotels, or airbnb
Requirements to race
- Have paid dues to the Texas A&M Cycling team for the current year (racing pays for itself!)
- Must have a helmet and bike in good working condition.
- Team rental bikes are available!
- Recommended that you have an appropriate bike for respective disciplines
- Need to wear something that says Texas A&M, can be a jersey, shirt, or whatever else.
- Must have a USA cycling collegiate($40 a year) or domestic license. Purchasing a one-day license ($10) is also an option
- No level of racing experience is required to race! If you are even just curious about what racing bikes is all about, collegiate racing is the best way to get started.
Collegiate Categories
Categories at collegiate races are separate from USA Cycling Categories
- Categories range from A through D
- A is the fastest, most advanced.
- B has the riders that are not yet ready to race A’s but are still more experienced
- C and D are where you start, and can have little to no race experience.
- Lower categories are an awesome place to start racing bikes! The collegiate scene is one of the most beginner friendly you will find in bike racing
- You can “cat up” to higher categories by consistently winning or doing well in races
- Competing in the A category will qualify you to race at collegiate nationals
- Road and mountain categories are separate
Additional questions?
Ask the cycling team! You can reach any of the officers on Slack, by email, or come talk to us in person. We are here to answer your questions. Looking forward to seeing y’all at the races!
- Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/tamu-cycling/shared_invite/zt-gr5p8r1x-jiLflJz_UkD2p6MDb~1uwg
- Email: tamucycling@gmail.com

Hand Signals

- Bike signaling is incredibly important when riding in a group. Not only does it keep other riders safe, but it can prevent confusion and therefore tube punctures and crashes.
- For any more information on how, when, and which hand signals to use here’s a great video for reference from GCN that’s incredibly helpful. They also have incredibly helpful topics such as how to change a tube and how to wash your bike.