This is my first official post as President, so hopefully it’s slightly more successful than Herc riding a mountain bike.
First of all, I’d like to welcome the new members to our little corner of the online world that we call the listserv. I’ve been contacted by several new and current students eager to join the team and are already on the listserv — it looks to be another hugely successful year already!
While perhaps not the life-changing and momentous e-mail that Steve hinted at, there’s still important stuff in here! It may not be a youtube broadcast like the non-plussed Patty-B so desires, but I do have a long-forgotten video of the first year at Camp Eagle.
Now on to business: Lee, Steve, and I attended the Conference meeting in Waco this weekend. I’ll spare you the boring details.
Track Conference Championships will be held at Alkek in Houston on August 22nd (yes, a week before school starts). We want a big turnout! You can rent a bike, and I believe a short class will be held beforehand for track new-comers…more details to come soon. Put it on your calendar!
MTB season will kick off once again with Camp Eagle on 9/5 – 9/6. This is the best venue of the year! Even Herc will be there, so you know it’s good.
The season will consist of 5 consecutive weekends of racing (Camp Eagle, Huntsville, TBD, TBD, and Conference at Bar-H). We will be hosting the Conference Championships, so you don’t want to miss out! Steve has an awesome weekend planned…. Nationals will follow in mid-October. Also, there is a possibility of a collegiate not-for-points mtb race weekend towards the end of October.
This year, 1 event per every 6 events of the season will be dropped when tallying individual season totals; this allows some leeway in the event of illness/missed races. For a mtb season of ~15 events, this gives racers 2 freebies.
You will be racing the category on your license! Collegiate mtb categories will be as follows: Cat 3=C, Cat 2=B, Cat 1=A (no crossovers). You need to be sure that your category is squared away before the season starts. If you need an upgrade, you can apply on It’s quick and painless, and can often consist of “I’m a Cat 2 XC, so I belong in the Collegiate B category.” An upgrade from 3 to 2 is even easier. While you’re at it, get your track and ‘cross categories fixed as well.
Stay tuned for details of a short cyclocross season in November/December.
Based on the conference’s success this spring, we will be adding ‘D’ categories to our road races next spring. The category will be for those brand new to the sport who may be intimidated by more experienced racers; it will be for Cat 5’s only, and racers can upgrade to C’s after 5 races or domination of the races.
Too much reading for the summer? Not to fear, the first team meeting will be September 3rd! We’ll have new team kits to sell that are going to be awesome. Get psyched up, because the Aggies are working for what would be the 10th CONSECUTIVE YEAR as MTB Conference Champions! Whoop!
Chad “Hagasaki/Hagasita/RHLC V dream team comin’ at’cha” Haga
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