In about a month Texas A&M will be playing host, once again, to the always eventful Tunis-Roubaix Road Race. Final touches are still being put into the flyer, but expect to see one being published in a couple weeks. Expect dirt on Saturday, and a exciting Crit on Sunday. Both race days will include Collegiate and TXBRA categories. The Cycling Team of Texas A&M University has proven themselves as a first class race promoter over the years in both road and mountain bike events. Tunis-Roubaix XII will take place March 6th & 7th. Check back often as updates will be posted here. Here is a photo from last years road race:
I was at the race on Saturday and would like to share the pics that I have available at:
I’ll send a full size set to your address at the student rec. center and feel free to use the pics. I enjoyed the event.
Thank you,